Conference and Preconference Tapes, 1967, 1973, 1981, 1983-87, 1990, 1996
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Brief Description: LITA conference and preconference tapes including the first Library Automation Preconference (1967), Library Automation: A State of the Art Review (1973), Data Processing specifications and Contracting (1981), 'Online Catalogs, Online Reference: Converging Trends (1983), The Art and Politics of Contract Negotiations (1984), Optical Information Systems (1986), Optical Publishing and Libraries: Cheers or Tears? (1987), Imaging: the Future of Libraries (1990), Networking CD-ROM Technologies (1990), and the LITA/LAMA National Conference (1996). The series also includes tapes from the 1983 conference covering topics in library automation and information technology.
Held at:
The American Library Association Archives
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Record Series Number: 26/3/33
Created by: Library and Information Technology Association (LITA)
Volume: 1.4 Cubic Feet
Acquired: 10/2/91; 12/1/03; 11/14/06
More information is available at
Arrangement: Chronological
Biographical Note for Library and Information Technology Association (LITA) :

The Information Science and Automation Division (ISAD) was established on January 28, 1966 to deal with the development and application of electronic data processing techniques and the use of automated systems in all areas of library work (1).

In January 1978 the names was changed to Library and Information Technology Association (LITA). Its new function was to concern itself with the development and application of automated systems analysis and design, electronic data processing techniques, communications technology, and related technological developments in all areas of library work. Within these fields, the Division fosters research, promotes the development of appropriate standards, disseminates information, and provides a forum for the discussion of common problems (2).

Division was dissolved on September 1, 2020, and merged into a new division, Core.

Subject Index
Online Cataloging
Optical Information Systems
Languages of Materials
English [eng]