"A Nation Connected" Summit Planning File, 1995-1996
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Brief Description:

The Planning File for "A National Connected: Defining the Public Interest in the Information Superhighway" Summit, containing correspondence, budget documents, articles on the summit, concept papers, photographs, committee files, planning documents and reservations, press releases, and panelist files. Panelists included Gwendolyn Calvert Baker, Susan Nall Bales, David Barram, Andrew Blau, Anne Branscomb, Shumarry Chao, Andrew Cohill, Charles Donovan, Ester Dyson, LaDonna Harris, Craig Howe, Deborah Kaplan, Charles Ogletree, Major Owens, Arno Penzias, Howard Rheingold, Richard Rodriguez, Jorge Schement, Herbert Schiller, Kathleen Smyth, and Reed Tuckson.

The summit was a presidential initiative of ALA President Betty Turock, held on February 20, 1996, at the Annenberg Center for Health Sciences in Rancho Mirage, California.

Held at:
The American Library Association Archives
19 Library
1408 W. Gregory Drive
Urbana, IL 61802
Phone: 217 333 0798
Fax: 217 244 2868
Email: ala-archives [at] library.illinois.edu
Record Series Number: 2/1/14
Created by: Executive Board and Executive Director
Volume: 0.6 Cubic Feet
Acquired: 03/00/2020.
More information is available at https://files.archon.library.illinois.edu/alasfa/0201014a.pdf
Arrangement: Alphabetical
Biographical Note for Executive Board and Executive Director :

Established in 1876, the Executive Board consists of the officers of the Association, the immediate past president, and 8 members elected by Council from its membership for four year terms. The members of the Executive Board are members of Council (1) Acting for the Council, the Executive Board administers the established policies and programs. As the management board of ALA, it is responsible for headquarters operations, subject to review by Council, and makes recommendations with respect to policy and operations (2).

The Executive Director is appointed by the Executive Board. The Executive Director is in charge of headquarters and its personnel, carries out the activities provided for in the budget, and perfroms such other duties as may be assigned. Originally an elected position, the office of Executive Secretary became an appointed position in 1909 (3). The title changed to Executive Director in 1958 (4).



2-Vice President


4-Executive Director

5-Members of Executive Board

6-American Library in Paris Board of Trustees

7-Endowment Trustees

8-Publishing Board

10-Legal Counsel Committee

30-Headquarters Space Needs Committee

31-Divisional Interests Committee

32-Honorary Members

33-Investments Committee

34-Resources Committee

35-War Mobilization Committee

36-Advisory Evaluation Committee

37-ALA Archival and Library Materials Committee

38-Annuities and Pensions (Staff)

40-Search Committee


43-Finance/Budget Committee

45-Headquarters Building Committee

47-Equal Rights Task Force

93-Ad Hoc Committees and Task Forces

Subject Index
Information Technology
Owens, Major
Turock, Betty J.
Languages of Materials
English [eng]