Supplementary Finding Aid
Box 1:
- American Institute of Planners, 1963-64
- American Planning Association, 1984-89
- Annual Conference, 1961-64
- 1965-69
- 1970-74
- Vancouver, 1975
- Washington, D.C., 1976
- Panel on Historic Preservation Audio Tape, 3/20/76
- San Diego, 1977
- Indianapolis, 1978
- Miami, 1979
- San Francisco, 1980
- Boston, 1981
- Dallas, 1982
- Meeting Audio Tapes, 5/8/82
- Seattle, 1983
- Minneapolis, 1984
- Montreal, 1985 (2 folders)
- Los Angeles, 1986
- New York, 1987
- San Antonio, 1988
- Atlanta, 1989
- Denver, 1990
- New Orleans, 1991
- Annual Conference, Manual, 1979
- Registrants, 1968-78
- Annual Conferences, Forthcoming, 1961-76
- Archives, 1989-92
Box 2:
- Audit, 1973-75
- Awards Program, 1982
- Best Bibliography Award, 1982-89
- Best Manuscript Award, 1990-92
- Brochures, 1960-70
- By-Laws, 1960-83
- Revision, 1979-80
- 1982-83
- Vote, 1983
- Closing CPL Chicago Office, 1985
- Committee of Planning Librarians, Annual Meetings, 1957-60
- Correspondence, 1957-60
- Minutes, 1957-60
- Correspondence, 1960-61
- 1962-63
- 1966-71
- 1972-76
- 1977-78
- 1979
- 1980-81
- 1982
- 1983 (2 folders)
- 1984 (2 folders)
Box 3:
- Correspondence, 1985 (2 folders)
- 1986 (2 folders)
- Council of National Library & Information Associations, Inc.
- Meeting Minutes and Correspondence, 1982-85
- 1986-87
- 1988-92
- CPL Bibliography, Catalogs, 1980-87
- Editor Search, 1978-80
- Editorial Advisory Board, 1986-89
- 1989-90
- Editorial Guidelines, 1980-84
- Index Project, 1985
- Indexes, 1987
- Inventories, 1988-90
- Marketing, 1986-89
- Monthly Reports, 1980-81
- Production Correspondence, 1985-86
- Promotions, #1-79, 1978-82
- #80-138, 1982-84
- #139-163, 1984-85
- Topical Listings, 1984
- Reviews, 1984
- Sales Production, 1986
- Sales Promotions, 1979-85
- Standing Orders, 1984-87
- CPL Historical Documents, 1958-87
- Development Advisory Committee, 1968-73
- Directory of Planning Libraries, 1971, 1980
- Correspondence, 1979
- Distinguished Service Award, 1969-72
- Duplicate Exchange, 1963
- East European Bibliography, 1963
- Elections - Sample, 1982-89
- Employee Evaluations, 1983-84
- Exchange Bibliographies, Correspondence, 1961-78
- Inquiry Committee, 1971-78
- Lists/Index, 1961-78
- Reports, 1957-72
Box 4:
- Executive Committee, Correspondence, 1960-69
- 1970-91
- Handbook, 1986
- Minutes and Agenda Items, 1968-76
- 1977-79
- 1980-84
- 1985-88
- 1989-91
- Expense Accounts, 1986-87
- Financial Accounts, 1979
- 1985
- 1986-87
- Financial Correspondence, 1981-91
- Documents - Balance Sheets, 1985-88
- 1989-90
- 1991-92
- Budgets, 1980-93
- Income Tax Returns, 1977-90
- Reports, 1982-83
- Statements, 1980-93
- Giral, Angela-Correspondence, 1968-75
- 1976-81
- Handbook, 1971
- Historian/Archivist, 1969-76
- Incorporation, Articles of, 1971
- Indexing/Abstracting, Reports and Publications, 1958-63
- Correspondence and Surveys, 1958-60
- Subcommittee, Correspondence and Reports, 1958-59
- 1960-67
Box 5:
- Latin-American Bibliographies, 1962-64
- Lawsuit - Vance Bibliographies, 1974-77
- 1978-79
- Lease Agreement, 1985-86
- Library Advisory, 1972-75
- Membership Committee, 1965-82
- Correspondence, 1977-80
- Directories, 1981-88
- Handbooks, 1989-94
- Lists, 1961-68
- 1969-74
- 1975-81
- Promotion Forms and Brochures, 1977-85
- Questionnaires, 1985
- Requests, 1968-72
- 1973
- 1974
- 1975
- Rosters, 1985-86
- 1986-87
- 1988-90
- 1991-92
- Mitrisin, Sophie-Proposal, 1972
- Newsletters, 1966-77
Box 6:
- Newsletters, 1978-83
- 1984-89
- Correspondence, 1964-87
- Nominating and Elections Committee, 1961-78
- Office Handbook, 1983
- Personnel, 1980-83
- Pettengill, George E.-Correspondence, 1960-76
- Planning Advisory Service Report Index, 1984
- Planning Magazine Index, 1982-84
- Planning and Urban Affairs Library Manual, 1958-70
- Correspondence, 1972-75
- 1976-78
- 4th Edition, 1978
- 1983
- Policies, Publishing and Employees, 1978-83
- Policy Regulations, 1983
- Policy and Procedures Manual, 1995
- President's Correspondence, Membership, 1986-87
- Nominations Committee, 1986-88
- June Crowe, 1989-90
- Memos, Mary Ravenhall, 1985
- Reports, 1970-75
- Prospective Bibliographies, 1983-85
- Publication Agreements, 1980-83
- Publications Committee, 1978-85
- Publicity/Publications, 1967-70
- Ravenhall, Mary-Correspondence, 1985-92
- Scholarship Grant, 1968-73
- Secretary File, Annual Conference, 1981
- Notes and Correspondence, 1978-81
- Shain, Charles-Correspondence, 1982-83
- Sign Control, Outdoor Advertising, 1986
- South Shore Bank, 1986
- Special Libraries Association, 1962-66
- Strategic Plan, 1992
- Subject Heading List, 1959-65
- Systems and Procedures, 1980
- Travel Awards, 1982-87
- Treasurer's Correspondence, 1968-75
- 1980-84
- Reports, 1961-93
- Vance Bibliographies Lists, 1978-80
- Word Processors, 1981-82
Box 7:
- Member-at-Large, Cathy Moulder-Correspondence, 1991-92
- 1993-94
- Marketing Committee, 1991-92
- Reports, 1991-94
- Reports, American Planning Association, 1991-92
- 1993-94
- President, Anne McGowan-Awards, 1989-92
- Correspondence, 1982-89
- 1990
- 1991-94
- Nominating Committee, 1988-92
- Strategic Planning, 1989-92
Box 8:
- Ad Hoc Committee on Publicity and Promotion, 1991-92
- American Planning Association (APA) CPL Income/Expense Report, 1988-92
- Annual Business Meeting, 1985-95
- Annual Conference, 1991
- Architecture, 1990-91
- Archives Program, 1990-91
- Brunch and Tour, 1991
- Correspondence, 1991
- Hotel Catering, 1991
- Income and Expenses, 1991
- "Information Resources...," 1990-91
- President's Reception, 1990-91
- Programs (various versions), 1990-91
- Registration, 1991
- Rural Planning, 1990-91
- Speaker Information, 1991
- Wetlands, 1990-91
- Annual Conference, 1992, 1993
- Budget, 1992
- Education and Planning, 1992
- Hotel Catering, 1991-92
- Membership Handbook, April, 1991
- President's Reception, 1992
- "Quality of Life in the City" Round Table, 1991-92
- Registration, 1993
- Session, First, 1992
- Session, Second, 1992
- "Strategic Planning for Small Communities," 1991-92
- Walking Tour, 1992
- Washington, D.C., 1992
- Annual Conference, 1993
- Budget, 1993
- Correspondence, 1993
- Registration, 1993
- Walking Tour, 1992-93
- Annual Conference, 1994
- 3.5 floppy containing correspondence, 1994
- APA (American Planning Association), Reenee Kaiser, 1993-94
- Budget, 1994
- Hotel, 1993-94
- LAUC-I, 1995-96
- Originals of lists, brochures, programs and flyers, 1994
- Program, 1994-95
- Program, APA, 1995
- Program, Previous Years, 1991, 1994
- Publicity, 1994
- Registration, 1994
- Session, APA Guidelines, 1990, 1992, 1994
- Community Networks, 1992, 1994-95
- Finding Planning Information On the Internet, 1994-95
- Information Management for Practicing Planners, 1995
- Internet, 1994-95
- Sunday Afternoon Market Gallery Exhibition, 1995
- Session Suggestions, 1995
- SLA Joint Reception, 1994
- Speakers, 1993
- Suggestions for Future Conference, 1993
- Thank You Letters, 1994
- Annual Conference, 1995
- Bus Tour, 1994-95
- Evaluations, 1995
- General, 1995
- Hotel Rooms, 1995
- Meeting Room, 1994-95
- President's Reception, 1994-95
- Publicity, 1995
- Registration, 1995
- Thank You Letters, 1995
- APA Contacts, 1995
- APA Membership Reports, 1993-94
- Archives, 1986, 1991, 1993-94
- Articles of Incorporation, 1995
- Awards, 1990-96
- Awards Committee, 1989
- Bibliographies, 1994-95
- 1995
- Catalog Listings, 1996
- Copyright Certificates of Registration #297-312, #314-328, 1996
- Editor, 1992, 1994-95
- Publication Agreements #298-328, 1994-95
- Sales, 1989-91
- Sales - Series Subscriptions, 1992-94
- Status Report, 1994
- Bylaws, 1977, 1983
- Bylaws Revision, 1981
- Call for Manuscripts and Other Marketing Information, 1989-93
- Conferences, 1985-96
- 1986-95
- Conference Travel Awards, 1990-92
- Corporation Annual Report, 1991-92, 1994
Box 9:
- Correspondence of Byrne and Mowery, 1991-96
- Drake, Linda (3 folders), 1995
- Editorial Advisory Board, 1989-92
- Editorial Board Guidelines, 1988
- Editorial Correspondence and Reports, 1990-92
- Ena Dahm Correspondence, 1992
- Ex-Board, 1993-96
- Executive Committee, 1986-94
- Annual Business Meeting, April 9, 1995
- Conference Proceedings, April 7-10, 1995
- Correspondence, 1991-92
- Meeting, Fall, 1991
- Spring, 1992
- Mid-Year, October 1-2, 1994
- October 14-15, 1995
- Pre-Conference, April 7, 1995
- Post-Conference, April 10, 1995
- Roster, 1994-96
- Finances, Merriam Center, 1991-92
- Head Quarters - Bookkeeper, 1994
- Income and Expense Statements, 1991-92
- "Incorporating Both Market and Nonmarket Values into Regional Planning for Rural
- Development," 1997
- Incorporation/Tax Exempt, 1979-80
- List of Publications, 1994-95
- Mailing Lists of Library and Planning School
- Membership, 1990, 1994-96
- 1992-94
- Membership Directory, June 1995
- June 1996
- Membership Roster, 1994
- Membership Survey (prepared by Lynne DeMerritt, member-at-large), 1983
- Memos, 1986-95
- Merriam Center Agreements (space), 1990-92
- Microform Publications, 1995
- Money Market Account, Merrill Lynch, 1991
- Newsletter, 1979-80
- 1986
- Nominations and Elections, 1993-96
- Photographs of conferences, (30 color prints), May 1989
- Denver, (39 color prints), 1990
- New Orleans, (38 color prints), 1991
- San Antonio, (26 color prints), 1988
- San Francisco, (66 color prints), 1994
Box 10:
- Washington, D.C., (15 color prints), 1992
- Planning Bookstore, Sales and Inventory Reports, 1994-96
- Policy and Procedures Manual, 1995
- Sage Publications, Inc., 1990, 1994-96
- Strategic Planning, 1990-94
- Tax Exemption Information, 1991, 1993, 1995
- Treasurer's Report, 1992
Box 11:
- City Planning Librarians - correspondence, minutes
- CPL Brochure, ca. 1991
- Linda Drake (President, 1996-97) - administrative files
- Administrative Notebook (4 folders), 1991-92
- Bibliographic Series, 1994
- 1996-96
- CPL Bibliographies - Sales Contract, 1996
- CPL Survey, 1998
- Conference Planning Supplemental Notebook, 1984-91
- Conferences
- Orlando (includes photographs), 1996
- Orlando and San Diego, 1996-97
- Packet and correspondence, 1996
- President's correspondence
- Proceedings, reports, planning summary, business meeting, 1996-97
- Conferences, correspondence, minutes, bylaws, reports, 1997-98
- Correspondence, 1994
- Correspondence - American Planning Association, 1997
- Correspondence, budgets, issuances, minutes, reports
- 1992-93
- 1995-96 (2 folders)
- 1997
- Editorial Advisory Board
- Executive Committee - Pre-conference meeting, 1997
- Post-conference meeting, 1997
- Logos, 1996
- Official Ballots - Officers and bylaws changes, 1997
- Member-at Large - calendar and reports, 1993-99
- Membership, 1998-99
- Membership Directory, September, 1998
- Membership Handbook, May 1993 and June 1994
- Newsletter, 1994-96