The ARLIS/NA Archives was established to document the history of the Art Libraries Society of North America. To do so effectively, it seeks to acquire materials representing a wide range of ARLIS/NA functions and activities. Successful archival collections are dynamic, always evolving along with their parent organizations. New material that meets the criteria for deposit is always welcome, as it enriches the collections and provides a more comprehensive picture of the organization and its work.
Eligible Material
Deposits from ARLIS leaders, constituent groups, and certain individual members are encouraged. These can be physical files, digital files, or a combination of both formats. Generally, the types of materials that are eligible for deposit include:
- Announcements and flyers
- Chapter bylaws
- Relevant correspondence
- Conference planning documentation
- Conference attendee lists or statistics
- Marketing and publicity materials
- Meeting minutes and agendas
- Photographs and scrapbooks
- Research-related or special project files
- Survey instruments and summary results
For items not listed above, please contact the ARLIS/NA Archives to discuss.
Deposit Procedures
While deposits from ARLIS/NA constituent group leaders are solicited annually (typically within a three-month period after the annual conference), materials may be considered for deposit on a case-by-case basis throughout the governance year.
The ARLIS/NA Archives requires a list of materials and will confirm with the depositor what should be sent. For digital files, .pdf format is preferred, but .doc, .docx, and .txt are also acceptable.
The first step in donating materials is to contact the ARLIS/NA Archives Assistant regarding the materials you intend to donate. The Assistant will then provide additional information and guidance about the deposit process. Generally, materials should be transferred in their original order and format – please do not reorder or reformat deposits unless the Assistant has confirmed that this is necessary.