Transferring Data From CD-ROM and DVD-R/W

  1. All files located on a CD-ROM should be copied into appropriate record series unprocessed Electronic Records Folder in \\\UniversityArchives\archives\electronic records repository\UA.
  2. All files located on a DVD-R/W need to be ripped from the DVD.
  3. Audio files must be ripped using Exact Audio Copy (see Extracting CDs Using Exact Audio Copy)
  4. Video files must be ripped using Handbrake (see Extracting Video Records Using Handbrake).
  5. Once files are ripped using CDex or Handbrake, place into the unprocessed Electronic Records folder.  Follow the instructions for generating preservation metadata (see Generating Preservation Metadata).
  6. Copy all transferred and ripped data into the Preservation Folder.
  7. Made sure to label each physical CD and/or DVD so they correspond to the files located in the Electronic Records Repository.   Also, make a note in the finding aid to indicate the item has been digitized.