Established in 1959, the School of Life Sciences includes the departments of Botany, Entomology, Microbiology, Physiology, and Zoology. Previously, these departments comprised the Division of Biological Sciences (1934-58) and the School of Natural History. Because of the interdisciplinary nature of these departments, and their close relationship with each other, records documenting Botany, Entomology, Microbiology, Physiology and Biophysics, and Zoology are listed together here.
The University Archives has additional administrative records relating to the School of Life Sciences.
A complete list of the Department of Plant Biology records series is available in the Archives database
College and Departmental Archives:
- Departmental Correspondence (Record Series 15/4/1): contains Botany Professor Thomas J. Burrill’s correspondence with presidents, deans, faculty, faculty at other universities, the superintendent of buildings and the registrar concerning botany; bacteriology; vegetable physiology; organic evolution; plants; botanical laboratory; herbarium; bacteriological examination of Illinois River waters; and other subjects
- Departmental Subject File (Record Series 15/4/2): contains correspondence about courses, personnel, publications, research, and space
- Statistical Reports (Record Series 15/4/5): show staff appointments and time allocated to instruction, research, and service
- Plant Pathology Slides (Record Series 15/4/19): Glass slides of plant pathology photographs of Thomas J. Burrill, laboratories, plant diseases, maps showing infestations, Dutch Elm disease, charts showing financial losses due to blight, rot, rust, smut, spot and wilt
Faculty Papers:
- Thomas J. Burrill Papers (Record Series 15/4/20): contain material on bacteriology, plant pathology, microscopy, and the application of scientific research to the agricultural and commercial needs of the state
- Charles F. Hottes Papers (Record Series 15/4/21): relate to plant physiology and adaptations, cytology, botanical research, German science, lumbering, and travelogues
- William Trelease Papers (Record Series 15/4/22): include material on biologists, taxonomy, oaks and agave, Wood’s Hole, Missouri Botanical Garden, and the history of biology
- Eugene Rabinowitch (Record Series 15/4/23): relates to atomic energy, molecular structure, National Science Foundation, nuclear policy, photochemistry, photosynthesis research, the role of scientists in society, spectroscopy, wave theory, international scientific meetings, photobiology and biophysics, and university affairs
- Arthur G. Vestal Papers (Record Series 15/4/24): contain documents on botany field trips, grasslands research, and plant communities
- Harry J. Fuller Papers (Record Series 15/4/25): relate to botanical instruction and the Plant Sciences Bulletin
- Robert Emerson Papers (Record Series 15/4/28): Photosynthesis Project; algae cultures; Emerson memorial fund; administrative matters
- Lindsay M. Black Papers (Record Series 15/4/29): include files on plant viruses and cell structures
Other sources:
- Records of the Applied Botany and Plant Pathology Section of the Illinois Natural History Survey
Records documenting entomological research can be found in many record groups, but a complete list of the Department of Entomology records series is available
College and Departmental Archives:
- State Entomologist’s Correspondence (Record Series 43/4/1): correspondence of Stephen A. Forbes, State Entomologist (1882-1917), with entomologists, agricultural experiment station director, farmers, nurserymen and orchardists, nursery inspectors, university entomology and zoology professors and others concerning entomology
- Entomology Office File (Record Series 43/4/2): includes correspondence of assistant state entomologist Willis G. Johnson relating to the identification and description of characteristics of insects and publications
- Entomology Fact Sheets (Record Series 8/3/826): prepared by entomologists of the Illinois Cooperative Extension Service and the Illinois Natural History Survey for distribution to farm advisors and farmers, containing photographs, sketches, descriptions and sections on names, life cycle and habits of insects and comments on the nature of plant injury, entry and detection, control and cautions
- Entomology Publications (Record Series 8/3/926): Illinois Pesticide Review, Pesticide Use in Illinois: Results of a 1990 Survey of Major Crops (DP-91-1), and reports on insect pests
- Graduate Bulletins and Announcements (Record Series 15/8/803): announcements of the department, fellowships in entomology and work in insect physiology, toxicology and biochemistry
- Departmental Newsletter (Record Series 15/8/810): departmental newsletter and its predecessor, The Illient (1934-48), containing news of faculty, nonacademic staff, graduate students and alumni
Faculty Papers:
- Walter V. Balduf Papers (Record Series 15/8/20): research data sheets and notebooks of observations on birds and insect parasites, wasps, bees and caterpillars
- William P. Hayes Papers (Record Series 15/8/21): concerns insect taxonomy and economic entomology, European Corn Borer and other insects
- Gottfriend S. Fraenkel Papers (Record Series 15/8/22): physiology of insects and marine invertebrates, nutrition of bread, vitamins, hormones, orientation in animals
- Robert L. Metcalf Papers (Record Series 15/8/23): relates to the World Health Organization, the Tennessee Valley Authority, and his professional research on insecticides, DDT, the Model Ecosystem, oriental fruitflies, environmental toxicology and protection, malaria, cancer, pest management, corn rootworms (Diabrotica), cucurbitacin, neurotoxicity, chemical compounds, pesticide residues and resistance, synergism, systox, carbamates, and biodegradable substances
- Clell L. Metcalf Papers (Record Series 15/8/24): Chicago World’s Fair, World War II, a New York State Museum-sponsored study of black flies and punkies in the Adirondack Mountains, pesticides such as dicholoro diphenyl trichloro ethane (DDT), parasites, insects, and their effects on humans and the environment
- Willis Bruce Papers (Record Series 15/8/25): concerns agricultural entomology, heptachlor and other pesticides
- Stephen A. Forbes Papers (Record Series 43/1/25): relate to entomology, ecology, the Illinois Natural History Laboratory, field work, and the collection of scientific information
- Lewis J. Stannard Papers (Record Series 43/5/20): concerns research on entomology, with specific reports on thrips and mites
Complete list of Department of Microbiology records series in available in the Archives database
College and Departmental Archives:
- Subject File (Record Series 15/15/1): contains correspondence relating to the Fred W. Tanner Memorial Fund
- Promotional Brochures (Record Series 15/15/801): announcement of the summer school of biology, third summer opening of the Illinois Biological Station at Havana, “What is Bacteriology,” and “MCB: A Magazine,” the first newsletter of the school of MCB
- Publications of the Staff (Record Series 15/15/802): contains reprints of articles from scientific journals about research on bacteria, viruses, diseases, DNA and RNA genomes, animo acids, and other research in Microbiology
- Open House and Lecture Announcements and Programs (Record Series 15/15/805): lecture announcements and biology open house programs and announcements
- Building Programs (Record Series 15/15/809): ncluding program for the September 8, 1959 dedication of Burrill Hall and a brochure containing data on the building and floor plans
- History (Record Series 15/15/810): A Short History of the Department of Bacteriology prepared when the department was reorganized, its name changed to Microbiology and it moved to Burrill Hall
Faculty Papers:
- Fred W. Tanner Papers (Record Series 15/15/20): concerns research in bacteriology
- Edward W. Voss, Jr. Papers (Record Series 15/15/21): includes Voss’ masters thesis, doctoral dissertation, and books “Anit-DNA Antibodies in SLE” (1988) and “Fluorescein Hapten: An Immunological Probe”
- Carl Woese Papers (Record Series 15/15/22): concerns microbiology, evolution, the genetic code, bacteria, translation, ribosomes, ribosomal RNA sequencing, bacterial taxonomy, discovery of Archaea, trees of life, origin of life, exobiology, Charles Darwin, the MacArthur Award, the Leeuwenhoek Medal, the Crafoord Prize, NASA, the National Science Foundation , the Office of Naval Research, the Institute for Genomic Biology, and theMicrobiology Department
Social Media Archives:
Physiology and Biophysics
A complete list of records series from the Department of Physiology and Biophysics is available
College and Departmental Archives:
- Staff Appointments File (Record Series 15/17/2): concerns staff appointments and includes correspondence relating to appointment and service of academic staff
- History of the Physiology Department (Record Series 15/17/10): typescript history of the Physiology Department, 1861-1960, by Professor Walter P. Elhardt (1891-1962)
- Announcements (Record Series 15/17/803): announcements of graduate study programs in physiology, biophysics, insect physiology and biometeorology
- Newsletters (Record Series 15/17/805): annual newsletters covering activities of the staff, students and departments and news of sabbaticals, research projects, graduate students, alumni and campus activities
- Departmental Reprints and Publications Lists (Record Series 15/17/808): collected reprints from the department and a list of publications of W. E. Burge and co-workers
- Histories (Record Series 15/17/810): Copies of a printed “Short History of the Physiology Department on the Urbana Campus” by Walter P. Elhardt and a duplicated copy of “History and Publications of the Faculty, 1849-1961” containing departmental news, staff lists and annual lists of faculty activities and publications
Faculty Papers:
- Frederic R. Steggerda Papers (Record Series 15/17/20): research concerning stresses on the human gastrointestinal tract for USDA, USAF, and NASA and calcium metabolism
- Govindjee Papers (Record Series 15/17/21): concerns photosynthesis, chlorophyll in photosynthesis, fluorescence induction and bacterial photosynthesis
- Don C. DeVault Papers (Record Series 15/17/22): photosynthesis research and include material on conferences and meetings, protein structure, emigration of dissident Russian scientists, NSF grants, split beam spectra, DB spectra, porphyridium, chromatium, radiation safety, holography, oscillating electron tunneling, virtual state tunneling, electron transfer, energy gap, cytochromes, photooxidation, reduction oxidation, Britton Chance, cancer research, Linus Pauling and cancer research, the moon, statistics, quantum mechanics, high pressure work, filter design, solar cells, phonon deduction and quinanes
- C. Ladd Prosser Papers (Record Series 15/17/23): concerns Prosser’s tenure as head of the Department of Physiology
- William T. Greenough Papers (Record Series 15/19/30): relate to research on neurobiology of fragile X syndrome, brain development and maturation, cellular signaling in brain plasticity in learning and memory
Additional records related to Zoology can be found in the Department of Genetics and Development records series.
College and Departmental Archives:
- Departmental Correspondence (Record Series 15/24/1): contains departmental correspondence of the Zoology Department Head, Stephen A. Forbes, with President Edmund James, Dean David Kinley and Edgar Townsend, faculty, presidents and faculty at other universities, school principals and others
- Zoology Subject File (Record Series 15/24/2): annual reports; accident reports; Biological Division committee reports; reports and brochures on biological stations throughout the United States, including courses taught at biological stations; departmental staff meeting minutes; language proficiency exams; and correspondence of Henry B. Ward and Charles Zeleny
- Zoology Graduate Assistants and Faculty Staff Files (Record Series 15/24/6): regards faculty appointments and graduate assistantships
- Student Laboratory Guides (Record Series 15/24/10): descriptions of laboratory exercises on the morphology of clams, crawfish, grasshoppers, worms, perch and frogs and synopses of species, orders and genres of North American Crustaceans
- Announcements (Record Series 15/24/801): announcements of the spring meeting of the Central Branch of the American Society of Zoologists, lectures given by Prof. Jacob Reighard, a field study course in animal ecology, field ecology courses, summer session programs and graduate study opportunities
- Laboratory Directions and Outlines (Record Series 15/24/802): outline of the University of Illinois Zoological Laboratory prepared as a guide for students
- Contributions from the Zoological Laboratory (Record Series 15/24/815): includes reprints and offprints of articles written by faculty and graduate students
Faculty Papers:
- Victor E. Shelford Papers (Record Series 15/24/20): concern plant, animal and aquatic ecology
- Henry B. Ward Papers (Record Series 15/24/21): relate to parasitology, Alaska and Pacific salmon, the Journal of Parasitology, American Microscopical Society, and scientific meetings
- Charles Zeleny Papers (Record Series 15/24/22):contain files on graduate work and research in experimental embryology, regeneration, and heredity
- Lyell J. Thomas Papers (Record Series 15/24/23): include material on parasitology and the Illinois Junior Academy of Science
- Leverett A. Adams Papers (Record Series 15/24/25): concern natural history museums and animal physiology, particularly that of lower vertebrates, especially fish
- S. Charles Kendeigh Papers (Record Series 15/24/26): bird banding, censuses, feeding and migration; ornithology; conservation; ecology; environmental research; animal populations; insects; natural areas; prairie chickens
- Wilbur M. Luce Papers (Record Series 15/24/27): contains materials that document research on drosophila melanogaster, genetics research, laboratory equipment, genetics and zoological society meetings
- James B. Kitzmiller Papers (Record Series 15/24/28): includes research on genetics and cytogenetics of mosquitoes and malaria control
- Arthur W. Ghent Papers (Record Series 15/24/31): research and statistical studies concerning Allerton Park floodplain, bagworms, trees, Bank Swallows, Rachel Carson and “Silent Spring,” clams, Danish pigs, date of birth analysis, salmon and other fish, cockroaches and other insects, growth curves, squirrels