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Disability Resources: Past Events

Opening Exhibit and Reception

At 4:30 p.m. on April 19, 2011, the University Library opened an exhibit and thanked Tim Nugent, the founder and former director of DRES, for donating his papers. The event included remarks by Interim Vice-President/Chancellor Robert Easter and by Josh George, a paralympian and recent Illinois graduate. It was held on the second floor of the Student Dining and Residence Programs Building (301 East Gregory Drive, Champaign) and included a public reception.

Tim Nugent Coaching the Gizz Kids, 1955

Tim Nugent coaching the Gizz Kids, 1955.

MillerComm Lecture and Reception

At 4 pm on April 20th, 2011, Andy Imparato addressed the topic: “The Next Big Thing for People with Disabilities: Moving from Civil Rights to Economic Empowerment,” at the Student Dining and Residential Programs Building, 301. E. Gregory Drive in Champaign. The event was followed by a public reception.

Imparato is former President and CEO of the American Association of People with Disabilities and is currently Senior Counsel and Disability Policy Director to the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. A dynamic and sought-after speaker, he examined the current legal and economic factors affecting the ability of people with disabilities to achieve a more complete integration into all aspects of American life and culture. This event was sponsored by the CAS/MillerComm series and by over 30 campus units.