EVA Resources


This page contains instructions for staff members processing materials that have been transferred to the archives. Additional instructions for dealing with new accessions can be found on the University Archives Staff Resources page.


File Name Format
Transferring Files from Box.com
Recording Set Up
Digitizing Cassette Tapes
Basic Editing in Audacity
Audacity Metadata
Photoshop Metadata


File Name Format

All files transferred from Box.com should be renamed as follows. Before you rename the files, create a spreadsheet to track the original and newly assigned file names and save it in the same folder as the files.

Series Number

Series Title

Inclusive Dates


14/80/021AALS Faculty Appointments Registers1964-65, 1969, 1972-2009, 2012, 2020-5.0 cu. ft. & 1.87 megabytes
14/80/110Nominating Committee Files (in Headquarters Office Committees File)1960-61, 1963, 1966-75approx. .2 cu. ft. (within 18.7 cu. ft.)
14/80/310Law Schools Inspection File1927-30, 1932-201685.3 cu. ft. & 2014.00 megabytes
14/80/315Law Schools General Correspondence1943, 1954, 1959-985.0 cu. ft.
14/80/805American Bar Association File1957-61, 1963-925.3 cu. ft.
14/81/002Executive Committee Confidential Subject File1963-901.6 cu. ft.
14/81/005Secretary-Treasurer’s Correspondence File1946, 1951, 1954, 1957-64.3 cu. ft.
14/81/010Executive Committee Meeting Minutes and Agenda File1912-20173.0 cu. ft. & 13.35 megabytes
14/81/015Executive Committee Hearings File1968-711.7 cu. ft.
14/81/020Executive Committee Memoranda1975-2007, 2012, 201714.6 cu. ft. & .40 megabytes
14/81/300Executive Committee Subcommittee Files2000.1 cu. ft.
14/81/500Millard H. Ruud Papers1960, 1963, 1965-874.6 cu. ft.
14/82/005Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure File1952-53, 1959-61, 1968-70.3 cu. ft.
14/82/006Committee on Academic Freedom and Tenure Cases File1967-721.0 cu. ft.
14/82/015Committee on Accreditation File1968-70.6 cu. ft.
14/82/020Committee on Audit and Association Investment Policy1981-20092.6 cu. ft.
14/84/001Samuel D. Thurman Papers1961-641.0 cu. ft.
14/84/002Robert E. Mathews Papers1951-59.6 cu. ft.
14/84/003Vernon X. Miller Papers1951-52, 1957, 1962-661.6 cu. ft.
14/84/004Arthur T. Martin Papers1944-46.2 cu. ft.
14/84/005William B. Lockhart Papers1968-70.3 cu. ft.
14/84/006F. D. G. Ribble Papers1952.1 cu. ft.
14/84/008Eugene F. Scoles Papers1974-81.2 cu. ft.
14/84/300Roger F. Jacobs Papers1987-89.2 cu. ft. & .14 megabytes
14/84/301Jefferson B. Fordham Papers1958, 1961-62, 1964.1 cu. ft.

Example: 20120515_0102.mp3

Instance number: This number allows multiple interviews/accessions on the same date. While it will almost always be 01, this has been built in to allow for special events where multiple people are interviewed on the same day or dates on which multiple people make submissions.

File number: This number allows for multiple files to be collected per instance. For example, this could include a recording of an oral history, a transcript, and photographs of the interviewee. It will be much more common for this number to have variety than the instance number.

If the same file types are being collected for a folder of materials (.mp3 file, .doc transcript, .jpg photo), you can be consistent with calling the sound clip 01, the document 02 and the photo 03 (or whatever makes sense) for ease of referral, but it’s not necessary to do that across the board.


Transferring Files from Box.com


    Log in to the Box.com account.


    Create a folder in the digital repository.

    In the Box.com folder, click the box to select all of the files (to the right of the “Prev Next” page options). A menu will pop up. Select “Download” and direct the files to the folder you’ve established in the digital repository.

    Once you’ve successfully transferred the files, change your access level to “remove.”


    Rename the files so they conform to the EVA format.

    Attach metadata to the files.

    Reformat any files that aren’t in optimal formats. You may also want to reformat to lower quality files to post online. If you do this, don’t discard the higher quality file.

    If appropriate, create clips of sound/video files to post online.

    Upload the files to the Content section of the EVA webpages. Due to pending implementation of the new web server, I’m not sure what the best way to go about doing this is. You’ll have to experiment.


Recording Set Up


    Make sure all air conditioners and other noisy appliances are turned off.

    Notify any people in the area, close doors, and turn off phones and other devices to minimize interruptions

    Set up the equipment and space so that the interviewer and interviewee are comfortable and can easily make eye contact.

Digital Recorder

    Power Source

      The recorder has an adapter for use with an electrical outlet and also takes AA batteries. There are rechargeable batteries for use with it. It is a good idea to have batteries in the recorder even when using the adapter in case it is accidentally bumped or unplugged to prevent interruptions and data loss.

      There are two microphone cords. One has a red wrapper on part of the cord. The cord with the red wrapper creates quite a bit of background noise when used in combination with this digital recorder and microphone. I don’t know why, but unless you can figure it out, I would recommend using the other cord.

      Plug the cord into the left side marked “Mono” if you’re only using one mic.

      Plug the other end of the cord into the microphone.

    Mic Stand

      Use the mic stand to eliminate noise from shuffling it back and forth. The sound quality is good even if it’s not right next to the speaker’s mouth.

      You will need to plug something into the headphone jack to prevent feedback on the recording. You will only need to wear the headphones during testing and to hear the test recording played back and then you can remove them so you appear more involved in the conversation.

Suggested Configurations (click on the images to see more detail)

Once everything is plugged in and set up, turn the recorder on. Make sure the switch near the microphone input is also flipped to “ON.”


    Before you start the interview, it’s a good idea to test the equipment to make sure everything is working properly.

    Hit the “REC” button on the recorder and have everyone go around the table and say something (what they ate for breakfast, their name, etc.) to make sure the mic is picking them up.

    Play it back over the headphones to test for sound quality and volume. Make any necessary adjustments.


    Instructions for the finer points of using the digital recorder are available in the owner’s manual kept in the bag with all the other equipment.

    While testing (and while actually recording) keep an eye on the decibel (dB) indicator at the bottom of the recorder to make sure no one is topping out. The lights should not extend all the way to the right but they should be at least halfway across to make sure it’s not too quiet.

    There is another indicator light on the bottom of the recorder that will let you know if it’s recording or not. Another way to confirm that recording is taking place is to check the counter on the display screen on the top of the recorder.


Digitizing Cassette Tapes
You will need:

    Cassette tapes
    Transcription machine
    Computer with Audacity installed
    A cord to connect the transcription machine and computer

Set Up

    Connect the short cord to both the green outlet in the side of the transcription machine and the microphone outlet on the computer.

    Plug the transcription machine into a power outlet.

    Turn the transcription machine on.

Adjust the Volume

    Make sure the volume on the transcription machine is low to avoid too much background tape noise.
    To control the volume on the computer, open the Master Volume controls. You can access this by double clicking the volume icon in the lower right corner of the screen or by going to Start/Accessories/Entertainment/Volume Control.

    Once you’ve opened the volume controls, click Options in the top menu bar then select Properties. At the top of the properties window there will be a drop down menu called “Mixer device.” Select the input option. This will allow you to control the volume of the audio being recorded by Audacity.


    Open Audacity. If it’s not installed on the computer, you’ll have to have Library IT or someone with administrative permissions install it for you.

    Click the Record button (red circle) in the top menu of the Audacity window.

    Press Play on the transcription machine.

    When the tape side has run out, the transcription machine will stop on its own but you need to be there to stop Audacity. To do this, click the Stop button (yellow square). Save the file to the desired location, following appropriate file naming conventions (this should be apparent if you’re adding new files to an existing folder. If you’re adding files to a new folder, ask your supervisor or do what makes logical sense to you. Just be consistent).

    Turn the tape over and start again with a new Audacity project window.


Basic Editing in Audacity

Removing Empty Space

    Files made from tapes may have stretches of empty space at the beginning and ending of the tracks, depending on where the content on the tape begins and ends.

    It will look like a straight line before and after the sound waves that indicate content, so you can edit without even having to listen.

    For more precision, you might want to zoom in on the display. There are three ways to do this.

      Go to View > Zoom In.
      Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+1.
      Click on the Zoom icon in the top menu.

    Once you’ve isolated the section you’d like to delete, use the mouse to highlight that section, just like you’d do with text in a document.

    Hit the Delete key on the keyboard.

    Repeat as necessary.

    You can leave a little bit of empty space so the file doesn’t immediately jump into sound, but this is useful if there’s more than a few seconds.

Making Clips

    If you have a limited amount of space to upload files or want to highlight a specific section of a file, you might want to make a clip.

    The first step is to find the part of the file you’d like to clip.

    To do this, you don’t have to listen to the whole file. You can click anywhere in the file and hit the Play button to start playback at that point. This allows you to find things more quickly.

    Once you’ve found it, mark down the beginning and end times of the clip.

    Make sure you’ve hit Stop and not Pause (if you’ve paused and not stopped the playback, it won’t let you copy) and highlight the section you’d like to clip.

    Copy this selection in one of three ways.

      Go to Edit > Copy.
      Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C.
      Click the Copy icon in the top menu.

    Open a new blank Audacity File.
    Paste the clip into this file in one of three ways.

      Go to Edit > Paste.
      Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V.
      Click the Paste icon in the top menu.

    Double check the beginning and ending of the clip to make sure it starts and stops in the correct places.

    If it does, save it and you’re done.

    If it doesn’t, start over at the beginning of this section.

Exporting as MP3 or WAV Files

    Once you’ve finished editing the files or clips, you need to export them as a file that is compatible with media players (the default Audacity project file is only compatible with Audacity).

    Choose WAV if you want preservation quality audio. It’s important to save a WAV copy of full files to the digital repository but it’s not necessary for clips taken from these full files.

    Choose MP3 if you want to stream it online. Clips will generally be MP3s.

    You may choose to save a file as both, with a WAV copy in the repository and an MP3 file for the website.


      Go to File > Export.

      A box will pop up that allows you to choose the save location. This will usually be the RS folder on the digital repository. If you haven’t set one up yet, do that now and come back to this.

      It will also ask for the following:

      File name: If you’ve already given the file an EVA form compliant name, you can leave it as is. If not, do that now.

      Save as type: In this drop down menu, select WAV. Click save.

      Another box will pop up so you can add/edit Audacity Metadata.

      Click Okay. Depending on the size of the file, this may take a few minutes.


      Because MP3 is a proprietary format, you have to download a separate file, the LAME MP3 Encoder, in order to convert files. This file may already be on your computer. If it’s not, contact the IT HelpDesk to have it installed. You will find out when you try to export to MP3 whether you have it or not.

      Go to File > Export.

      A box will pop up that allows you to choose the save location. This will usually be the RS folder on the digital repository. If you haven’t set one up yet, do that now and come back to this.

      It will also ask for the following:

        File name: If you’ve already given the file an EVA form compliant name, you can leave it as is. If not, do that now.

        Save as type: In this drop down menu, select MP3. Click save.

      If you don’t have the LAME MP3 Encoder installed, you’ll find out now.

      If you do have it installed, another box will pop up so you can add/edit Audacity Metadata.

      Click Okay. Depending on the size of the file, this may take a few minutes.


Audacity Metadata

Go to: File > Open Metadata Editor

Add the following information:

Series NumberSeries TitleInclusive DatesVolume in Cubic Feet
14/80/001General Issuances1989-90, 1992-93, 1995-99, 2002-04, 2006, 2013-14, 2016-.2 cu. ft. & 20.46 megabytes
14/80/002AALS Promotional Materials

2005, 2008, 2011-12, 2014-1 cu. ft. & 23.34 megabytes
14/80/003AALS Membership Planning Materials

1993, 2002, 2011, 2013-15, 2017-1.96 megabytes
14/80/007Research Bulletin1976-80, 1982.2 cu. ft.
14/80/010AALS Association Handbook1971, 1981-.6 cu. ft. & 1.30 megabytes
14/80/011Directory of Law Teachers1949-50, 1953-70, 1973-4.4 cu. ft.
14/80/012Official Guide to U.S. Law Schools1991-20071.7 cu. ft.
14/80/015AALS Annual Meeting Proceedings and Presentations

1914, 1920-23, 1926-27, 1930-85, 1988-3.1 cu. ft. & 514.63 megabytes
14/80/017AALS Scholarly Papers Competition2001-.1 cu. ft. & 53.92 megabytes
14/80/020Deans Memoranda1963-3.6 cu. ft. & 56.00 megabytes
14/80/022AALS Statistical Report on Law Faculty2000-0920.9 megabytes
14/80/023AALS Communications Publications

2016-.18 megabytes
14/80/024AALS Legal Education Digests2016-17.84 megabytes
14/80/025AALS Newsletter1964-.6 cu. ft. & 156.75 megabytes
14/80/026Presidents’ Newsletter Messages1997-20052.21 megabytes
14/80/030Association of American Law Schools Placement Bulletin1977-80, 1984-.6 cu. ft. & 6.76 megabytes
14/80/031Memoranda and Preview of U.S. Supreme Court1964-791.3 cu. ft.
14/80/032Clinical Law Review1994-2.0 cu. ft.
14/80/050AALS Current Issues in Legal Education Statements2013-153.17 megabytes
14/80/402Amicus Curiae Briefs1999-2000, 2002, 2004-05, 2009-101.47 megabytes
14/80/406AALS Open Letters to Government Officials2007, 2010, 20171.46 megabytes
14/80/601Annual Meeting Programs1949-54, 1970-73, 1975-77, 1979-1.4 cu. ft. & 290.73 megabytes
14/80/640Annual Meetings, Conferences and Workshops – Audio Recordings

1974-77, 1979-2003, 2007, 2009-39.4 cu. ft. & 112.86 gigabytes
14/80/641Annual Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops – Photographs

2015-2.41 gigabytes
14/80/642Annual Meetings, Conferences, and Workshops – Video Recordings

1978, 1983-84, 1991, 1997, 1999, 2003-04, 2014-4.7 cu. ft. & 31.90 gigabytes
14/80/643Conference and Workshop Publications1965, 1969, 1973, 1977-78, 1980, 1982-84, 1986-3.2 cu. ft. & 411.29 megabytes
14/80/645Faculty Recruitment Conference Issuances & Announcements1989, 1993-2000, 2007, 2009-12, 2014-.3 cu. ft. & 4.80 megabytes
14/80/712Law Books Recommended for Libraries1967-70, 19741.0 cu. ft.
14/80/804AALS Reports to the Council of the American Bar Association Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar2013-1816.01 megabytes
14/80/806AALS Open Letters to ABA2010-111.33 megabytes
14/80/807ABA Legal Education Publications1969-70, 1979-82, 1986-2000.6 cu. ft.
14/80/812Joint Committee, Joint Panel, and Task Force Publications1968, 1975-76, 1980, 1991, 2017-18.3 cu. ft. & 6.19 megabytes
14/81/006Treasurer’s Financial Records1935-61.4 cu. ft.
14/81/017Executive Committee Information Items1988-20041.4 cu. ft.
14/82/001Committee Publications File1950, 1961, ca. 1972, 1977, 1993-94, 1996-98, 2001-02, 2004-06, 2013-14, 2016, 2018-20.3 cu. ft. & 9.57 megabytes
14/82/030Becoming a Law Teacher File2019-204.55 megabytes
14/82/040Foreign Exchange Bulletin1958-59, 1961-66, 1968.1 cu. ft.
14/82/050Journal of Legal Education1948-5.2 cu. ft. & 199.72 megabytes
14/82/057Committee on Minority Groups Publications1971-73.1 cu. ft.
14/82/066Committee on Professional Development Publicationsca. 2001, ca. 2009.15 megabytes
14/83/001Section Publications and Issuances1974, 2007-.1 cu. ft. & 22.18 megabytes
14/83/015Section on Academic Support Publications1997-98, 2001-06, 2009-15, 2017, 2019-20.1 cu. ft. & 11.09 megabytes
14/83/030Section on Administration of Law Schools Publications1983-ca. 1985, 1993.1 cu. ft.
14/83/031Section on Administrative Law Publicationsca. 1982-84, 1992-94, 2018.1 cu. ft. & .61 megabytes
14/83/035Section on Africa Publications2000-03, 2008-09, 2011-12, 2015.1 cu. ft. & 5.22 megabytes
14/83/043Section on Agency, Partnership, LLC’s and Unincorporated Publications2016.17 megabytes
14/83/045Section on Aging and the Law Publications1985, ca. 1987-93, 1995, 1997-2010, 2016, 2018-19.1 cu. ft. & 3.62 megabytes
14/83/055Section on Agricultural and Food Law Publications1991, 2012, 2019.1 cu. ft. & .66 megabytes
14/83/070Section on Alternative Dispute Resolution Publications1988, 1990-93, 1995, 1998, 2002-05.1 cu. ft. & .28 megabytes
14/83/080Section on Animal Law Publications2008-10, 2015-17, 201920.02 megabytes
14/83/090Section on Antitrust and Economic Regulation Publications1982, 1985-88, 1995, 1997-ca. 2004.1 cu. ft.
14/83/100Section on Art Law Publications1982-86, 1989-90, 1992, ca. 1994, 1997, 2021.1 cu. ft. & 934.00 megabytes
14/83/103Section on Associate Deans for Academic Affairs and Research Publications2018, 2020721.00 megabytes
14/83/106Section on Aviation and Space Law Publications1985, 1987.1 cu. ft.
14/83/115Section on Balance in Legal Education Publications2008-14, 2016-201707.10 megabytes
14/83/125Section on Biolaw Publications2013, 2015.17 megabytes
14/83/135Section on Business Associations Publications1981-93, 1995, 1997-2000, 2004-05, 2016-19.1 cu. ft. & 5.38 megabytes
14/83/150Section on Children and the Law Publications2008-18, 20209.83 megabytes
14/83/165Section on Civil Procedure Publications1983-85, 1987-91, 1993, 1995, 1997-2010, 2016, 2018.2 cu. ft. & 1.84 megabytes
14/83/170Section on Civil Rights Publications1997, ca. 1999-2006, 2008-09, 2011, 2015, 2018.1 cu. ft. & 2.35 megabytes
14/83/180Section on Clinical Legal Education Publications1976, 1978, 1980-2020.3 cu. ft. & 728.97 megabytes
14/83/195Section on Commercial and Related Consumer Law Publicationsca. 1985-86, 1991, 1993, 1995, 1997, 1999-2000, 2003-04, 2017-18.1 cu. ft. & .42 megabytes
14/83/210Section on Comparative Law Publicationsca. 1978, 1986, 1992, 1997, 1999, 2012-13, 2015.1 cu. ft. & 1.10 megabytes
14/83/225Section on Conflict of Laws Publications1984-88, 1990-92, 1995, 1997-2004, 2016-17.2 cu. ft. & .08 megabytes
14/83/240Section on Constitutional Law Publications1981-82, 1987, 1989-92, 2016.1 cu. ft. & .13 megabytes
14/83/250Section on Continuing Legal Education Publications1992, ca. 1994-95, 1997-2000.1 cu. ft.
14/83/255Section on Contracts Publications1985, 1987, 2003-04.1 cu. ft.
14/83/270Section on Creditors’ and Debtors’ Rights Publications1991, 1993, 1998-2005, 2010, 2014.1 cu. ft. & .28 megabytes
14/83/285Section on Criminal Justice Publications1975-78, 1981, 1983-89, 1992-93, 1995, 1997-2011, 2015-21.1 cu. ft. & 417.85 megabytes
14/83/290Section on Defamation and Privacy Publications1991, 1993-95, 1997-2000, 2002-03.1 cu. ft.
14/83/295Section on Disability Law Publications2015-196.70 megabytes
14/83/300Section on Trusts and Estates Publications1988-92, 1995, 1997-2006, 2008-16, 2019.1 cu. ft. & 26.10 megabytes
14/83/305Section on East Asian Law and Society Publications2016-174.93 megabytes
14/83/310Section on Education Law Publications1979, 1984-88, 1994, 1997-2000, 2002, 2004-05, 2008-10, 2012-15, 2017-19.1 cu. ft. & 2.81 megabytes
14/83/311Section on Election Law Publications20211.10 megabytes
14/83/312Section on Empirical Study of Legal Education and the Legal Profession Publications2017-212.59 megabytes
14/83/313Section on Employee Benefits and Executive Compensation Publications1997, 2003, 2008, 2010, 2019.1 cu. ft. & .85 megabytes
14/83/315Section on Employment Discrimination Law Publications1985, 1988-92, 1995, 1997-2001, 2003, 2005-14, 2016-17, 2019.1 cu. ft. & 7.13 megabytes
14/83/330Section on Environmental Law Publications1980, 1985-ca. 1987, 1989, 1992, ca. 1998, 2019.1 cu. ft. & .15 megabytes
14/83/340Section on European Law Publications2014-192.82 megabytes
14/83/345Section on Evidence Publications1983-87, 1991-93, 1995, 1997-2006, 2008-19.1 cu. ft. & 3.80 megabytes
14/83/360Section on Family and Juvenile Law Publications1986-88, 1990-93, 1995, 1997-2002, 2005, 2008-19.1 cu. ft. & 9.74 megabytes
14/83/375Section on Federal Courts Publicationsca. 1988-92, 1997-2007, 2009-10, 2014-18.1 cu. ft. & 7.85 megabytes
14/83/381Section on Financial Institutions and Consumer Financial Services Publications1988, 1999, 2012, 2016.1 cu. ft. & .20 megabytes
14/83/405Section on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Issues Publications1985-95, 1997-2002, 2005-09, 2011-12, 2018, 2020.1 cu. ft. & 2.52 megabytes
14/83/420Section on Graduate Programs for Non-U.S. Lawyers Publications1988-93, 1995-96, 1998, 2000-02, 2005-06, 2015, 2017.1 cu. ft. & .31 megabytes
14/83/450Section on Immigration Law Publications1985-90, 1995, 1997, 1999, 2001, 2018.1 cu. ft. & .16 megabytes
14/83/465Section on Institutional Advancement Publications1987-88, 1990, 1997-99.1 cu. ft.
14/83/470Section on Insurance Law Publications1991-92, 1995, 1997-2000, 2002-04.1 cu. ft.
14/83/480Section on Intellectual Property Publications1983, 1985, 1987-88, 1995, ca. 1997-2001, 2017.1 cu. ft. & .07 megabytes
14/83/490Section on International Human Rights Publications2001-ca. 2003, 2006-08, 2011, 2013-16, 2018-19.1 cu. ft. & 3.67 megabytes
14/83/495Section on International Law Publications1983-84, 1990-93, 1997-ca. 1999, 2001, 2003, 2009, 2013, 2015.1 cu. ft. & 2.83 megabytes
14/83/510Section on International Legal Exchange Publications1973, 1986-87, 1989-92, 1998-2002, 2004-06, 2017.1 cu. ft. & .16 megabytes
14/83/515Section on Islamic Law Publications2013-151.86 megabytes
14/83/520Section on Jewish Law Publications1993, 1995, 1997-2001, 2003, 2013-14.1 cu. ft. & 3.02 megabytes
14/83/530Section on Jurisprudence Publications1981-82, 1987, 2003, 2019-21.1 cu. ft. & 3.02 megabytes
14/83/540Section on Labor Relations and Employment Law Publications1983-85, ca. 1987-95, 1997-98, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008-09, 2016.1 cu. ft. & .54 megabytes
14/83/550Section on Law and Anthropology Publications1995, 1997.1 cu. ft.
14/83/555Section on Law and Community Publications1997.1 cu. ft.
14/83/560Section on Internet and Computer Law Publications1983, 1985-90, 2015, 2018.1 cu. ft. & .03 megabytes
14/83/570Section on Law and Economics Publicationsca. 1990.1 cu. ft.
14/83/590Section on Law and the Humanities Publications1980, 1982-83, 1986, 1990-91, 2000-05, ca. 2009-10, 2013, 2015.1 cu. ft. & 4.41 megabytes
14/83/595Section on Law and Interpretation Publications2018.35 megabytes
14/83/600Section on Law Libraries and Legal Information Publications1991, 1995, 2020.1 cu. ft. & .61 megabytes
14/83/615Section on Law, Medicine and Health Care Publicationsca. 1981, ca. 1983-84, ca. 1992, 1995, 1997-2001, 2005, 2009-19.1 cu. ft. & 20.89 megabytes
14/83/620Section on Law and Mental Disability Publications1985-ca. 1986, 1988-89, ca. 1993, ca. 1995, 1997-2001, 2013-17, 2019.1 cu. ft. & 2.72 megabytes
14/83/645Section on Law and Religion Publications1978-79, 1988-89, ca. 1997-2003, 2006-17, 2019.1 cu. ft. & 4.52 megabytes
14/83/660Section on Law and the Social Sciences Publications1982-ca. 1986, 1988, 1995.1 cu. ft.
14/83/665Section on Law and South Asian Studies Publications2014.54 megabytes
14/83/675Section on Law and Sports Publications1997-ca. 2001, 2017-19.1 cu. ft. & 2.03 megabytes
14/83/690Section for the Law School Dean Publications1998.1 cu. ft.
14/83/700Section on Leadership Publications2018-20372.88 megabytes
14/83/702Section on Legal History Publications1977, 1979, 1982.1 cu. ft. & .10 megabytes
14/83/705Section on Legal Writing, Reasoning, and Research Publications1974-76, 1978-2017, 2019, 2021.2 cu. ft. & 1013.79 megabytes
14/83/735Section on Legislation and Law of the Political Process Publications1983, 1985-89, 1991-95, 1997, ca. 1999, 2013-18.1 cu. ft. & .37 megabytes
14/83/750Section on Litigation Publicationsca. 1982, ca. 1987, 1993, 1998, 2001, 2008-09, 2014-16.1 cu. ft. & 1.57 megabytes
14/83/765Section on Admiralty and Maritime Law Publications1992-95, 1997-ca. 1998, 2006.1 cu. ft. & .12 megabytes
14/83/780Section on Communication, Media and Information Law Publications1988-91, ca. 1995, 1997-2000, 2019.1 cu. ft. & .05 megabytes
14/83/795Section on Minority Groups Publications1971, 1974, 1978-81, 1986, 1989-93, 1995, 1997-2011, 2013, 2020.1 cu. ft. & 33.01 megabytes
14/83/803Section on National Security Publications2016, 2018-19.60 megabytes
14/83/805Section on Indian Nations and Indigenous Peoples Publications1987-89, ca. 1991-95, 2013-17.1 cu. ft. & 1.06 megabytes
14/83/810Section on New Law Professors Publicationsca. 2005, 2007-09, 2011, 2013-19.1 cu. ft. & 5.13 megabytes
14/83/813Section on Nonprofit and Philanthropy Law Publications2014, 2019.20 megabytes
14/83/815Section on North American Cooperation Publications1991, 1995, 2000-01, 2005-06.1 cu. ft. & .06 megabytes
14/83/820Section on Part-Time Division Programs Publications2002-05, 2007, 2012.1 cu. ft. & .37 megabytes
14/83/825Section on Poverty Law Publications1986-87, 1993, 1997, 1999-2002, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2016-19.1 cu. ft. & 1.49 megabytes
14/83/845Section on PreLegal Education and Admission to Law School Publications2020.35 megabytes
14/83/850Section on Pro Bono and Public Service Opportunities Publications2000-02, 2008, 2014, 2016-21.1 cu. ft. & 7.68 megabytes
14/83/855Section on Professional Responsibility Publications1987, 1990-93, 1995, 1997-2020.1 cu. ft. & 24.24 megabytes
14/83/860Section on Property Law Publicationsca. 1990-92, 1997, 2002, 2005-17, 2019.1 cu. ft. & 9.32 megabytes
14/83/865Section on Real Estate Transactions Publications2005, 2007-10, 2012-17.1 cu. ft. & 12.51 megabytes
14/83/870Section on Remedies Publications1987, 1989, 1992-93, 1995, 1997, 2003, 2011.1 cu. ft. & .04 megabytes
14/83/885Section on Securities Regulation Publications2019.41 megabytes
14/83/890Section on Socio-Economics Publications1997-2006, 2008-09, 2011, 2013-19.1 cu. ft. & 2.52 megabytes
14/83/895Section on State and Local Government Law Publicationsca. 1980, 1982-85, 1988, 1990-93, 1995, 1997-2006, 2010, 2012-18.1 cu. ft. & 3.45 megabytes
14/83/905Section on Student Services Publications1991-92, 1995-98, ca. 2001-05.1 cu. ft.
14/83/915Section on Taxation Publicationsca. 1986-95, 1997, 1999-2001.2 cu. ft.
14/83/930Section on Teaching Law Outside of Law Schools Publications1980, 1987.1 cu. ft.
14/83/945Section on Teaching Methods Publications1983-84, 1988, 1990, ca. 1994, 1997-2000, 2006-17.3 cu. ft. & 208.50 megabytes
14/83/950Section on Technology, Law and Legal Education Publications201978.00 megabytes
14/83/960Section on Torts and Compensation Systems Publications1987-ca. 1989, 1993, ca. 1998-ca. 2002, ca. 2004-ca. 2005, 2007-09, 2011-16, 2018-19.1 cu. ft. & 4.71 megabytes
14/83/965Section on Transactional Law and Skills Publications2012-13, 2016-18, 20203.78 megabytes
14/83/975Section on Women in Legal Education Newsletter1978-95, 1997-2002, 2004, 2008-20.2 cu. ft. & 65.20 megabytes
14/84/302Kandis Scott Clinical Legal Education Papers1981, 1983-84, 2009.1 cu. ft.


Photoshop Metadata

Go to: File > File Info

Make sure you are on the “Description” tab

Add the following information:

Series Number

Series Title

Inclusive Dates


14/80/019Deans Directory2015-.1 cu. ft.
14/80/105Headquarters Office Subject File1940-85, 1988-91, 2001-02, 200423.7 cu. ft.
14/80/110Headquarters Office Committees File [except for Nominating Committee files, which are Confidential]1951-9418.7 cu. ft.
14/80/111Headquarters Office Advisory Committee to Journal of Legal Education File1947-801.0 cu. ft.
14/80/400Litigation Files1970-922.1 cu. ft.
14/80/401Amicus Curiae Files1970-81, 1985, ca. 2010, 20151.0 cu. ft.
14/80/405Government Relations File1964-79, 1981-82, 19883.0 cu. ft.
14/80/701Project Files1952, 1959-806.6 cu. ft.
14/80/710Orientation Program in American Law Subject File1963-73, 1975-762.3 cu. ft.
14/80/711Soviet-American Conference File1962-651.0 cu. ft.
14/80/713Libraries Studies Project File1963-702.0 cu. ft.
14/80/800Affiliated Organizations File1958-93, 1995-96, 1998, 2001, 200313.3 cu. ft.
14/80/810Educational and Institutional Organizations File1953-82, 1984-85, 1989-905.0 cu. ft.
14/82/055Committee on Libraries File1961, 1965, 1970-72, 1979-85, 1987-921.3 cu. ft.
14/82/065Committee on Professional Development File1976-901.3 cu. ft.
14/82/080Committee on Sections and Annual Meeting File1973-901.3 cu. ft.
