This document is an index to preservation copies of publicly available documents, websites, social media postings, video and audio streams, and other materials concerning adjunct faculty member James Kilgore and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The indexed materials are stored in the Internet Archive or in a preservation repository managed by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
The linked materials comprise (a) textual documents from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and (b) or/other public (i.e. Internet-accessible) resources such as news articles, blog postings, and public tweets. The index organizes these materials by type of material and chronologically by date of creation thereunder. All materials linked in this document were available on a public website at the time that their links were captured.
Most materials are available through the Internet Archive and are managed under their terms of service, privacy, and copyright policy. Upon request, we may unlink material from this index while the Internet Archives is addressing a rights issue.
A small subset of the materials (for example YouTube videos and Twitter streams) have been captured by the University of Illinois Archives staff using web capture tools, and these materials are being stored in a preservation repository managed by the University Archives and Library. As of August 2015, links to these documents do not appear below because we anticipate that we may only be able to provide access to them locally or via their original links. The Archives is developing policies and procedures for their access and use.
The University of Illinois Archives does not endorse the opinions expressed in the any of the materials linked from this index. They are are intended for use in private research, teaching, and study, and the index is provided to encourage fair use, as defined by the US Copyright Act. For all other uses of these materials, including but not limited to publication, broadcast, and distribution, you must obtain written permission in advance from original author, creator, or copyright owner of the materials that are linked from this index.
This is a living document and is being updated as new materials are discovered. Questions and comments may be directed to the University of Illinois Archives,, to the attention of Assistant University Archivist Chris Prom or Archival Operations and Reference Specialist Bethany Anderson.
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