Student Life, 1934

The Louis and Ruth Wright Papers span a mere .5 cubic feet in the Archives, but located within these personal papers are invaluable records of student life in the 1930s.   Three amateur silent films give a glimpse of campus during the early Twentieth century.

Until recently, the only way to view these films was to visit the University Archives.   Thanks to the Library’s media preservation office, they are now available to anyone with an internet connection.

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Everybody Danced

Dances on campus were the source of pleasure for a large number of students who attended the University from before World War I through the 1960s.  Dances were presented by various classes, Greeks, non-Greeks, Ag students, and the Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A.

Formal and informal dances offered students the opportunity to dance the two-step, waltz, tango, jitterbug, and other popular dances during their free time. Continue reading “Everybody Danced”